The Company

Autumn on the Cator Estate

Autumn on the Cator Estate

The main objectives of the the Company are: “ To promote, maintain and improve the amenities of the estate known as the Blackheath Cator Estate”, and to “serve the interests of the residents…by managing, maintaining, repairing and providing for the upkeep of the roads and open spaces…taking such steps as may be considered necessary to prevent such roads or any of them becoming public highways”.

To download a copy of BCER Articles of Association, adopted 3 July 2014, click here.

The Company seeks to safeguard the distinctive rural ambience of the Estate in the interest of all who live on it, and the Board invites all householders to purchase shares to help strengthen the Company and enable it to represent residents’ interests more effectively.  Shareholders may attend, speak and vote at all general Meetings.  Applications should be sent to the Administrator with a cheque drawn in favour of ‘BCER Ltd’ at £5 for each share applied for.

The Company is managed by an elected Board of Directors who give their time and professional knowledge without remuneration, and which meets every two months throughout the year.  The Company employs a part time estate manager and a part-time administrator.

Elections to the Board are held at the Annual General Meeting which are usually held in June. The maximum permitted number of Directors at any time is nine, and they each retire in rotation after three years. Individuals with relevant qualifications and experience can be co-opted as necessary.

The Board is always pleased to hear from residents who wish to seek nomination for election, or who are willing to offer help in areas of Company work such as the maintenance of roads and verges, trees or lighting.

The Company publishes a Newsletter two or three times each year, reporting on all significant developments on the Cator Estate.  It also funds a Neighbourhood Watch group which produces its own regular Newsletterreviewing all security matters affecting residents.